Weekend Rewind

by - June 18, 2012


One of my most favorite people in the world was in town so my sister, Ace and I all went to dinner with the most fabulous Anna. Anna is a friend from high school who moved to NYC when I moved to Tampa. Her, myself, my sister and friend Maggie were all pretty insuperable prior to us all moving away and referred to ourselves as the Fab Four. Yes, we are fabulous and yes there are four of us. Clever huh? Maggie was out of town for her old high schools reunion so Ace took her place to make a new Fab Four. We caught up on life and have a great time together. I am so sad it was such a short visit. We didn't get any pictures either which was such a bummer.


BIG DAY! Ace is 11 months old, first trip to the zoo and first popsicle. We headed to the zoo for 10am and met up with the family I work for and their baby Brady. We had a great time but it was HOT! The babies were good considering they usually nap at 10am (totally a fail on my part planning it for that time) and how warm it was. Luckily Ace fell asleep in his stroller half way through and we headed out after lunch. 

Got his ticket!

After the zoo we went to Target and got some goodies for Ace's birthday and my sisters birthday not so surprise weekend. She figured it out when we went to the movies but I have some more surprises in store for her.

After Ace got up from his nap we had dinner and played. I really wanted him to get a popsicle from the ice cream man so we headed out front to wait for him. Go figure the night we actually make it out there he doesn't come by! Such a bummer. Bran hit some golf balls in the empty lot next door and Ace played with his toys in his baby pool. I remembered we had these natural strawberry popsicles in the freezer and grabbed one of those. 
Bran hitting some golf balls

I tried to let him bite it but it was way too cold and he kept trying to grab it and then would cry because it would be too cold to hold as well. I finally stuck him on my lap and ripped pieces off for him to eat. We were a disaster but that is the kind of stuff I love! I love those moments where you get messy because you are doing something fun and memorable. I made Branden grab the camera and told him to just keep shooting. I think he thought I was nuts. 

Wanted to hold it but it was too cold :-(

This worked out better

We were a mess! 
After that we headed inside so Mr. Sticky could take a bath. That was interesting to say the least. Then he got PJ's on and headed to bed. 


Father's Day! Branden had to work from 7am to 3pm so we spent part of the day at my Dad's house enjoying their amazing pool.

When my sister and I got there and first worked on a fun little painting project with Ace for Branden. We tried to get his hands which didn't work so we got his feet and butt print. This was suggested by my awesome friend Christel. She said she does this every year with her kids so I had to try it. It was so much fun to watch Ace play in the paint. I love the mess of it all.

Then we went in the pool and listen to music. Bran got here after work and we hung out for a bit and then headed home. I stayed and got my hair chopped off. I needed less hair to deal with. I will get a picture of it later.

Overall it was a very fun weekend. We got a few of our Summer To-Do List actives checked off our list too! 
Linking Up!
miscellany monday at lowercase letters

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  1. YAY! Glad the painting worked out!!! It's fun to look back each year at the year before's picture!! Acey is sooooooooo darn cute!!! Loved the messy Popsicle as well.

  2. Adorable pictures! Wish I had thought to do the whole butt print thing! I think my kids might balk at this stage, though since they are 19, 21 and 23. I'll have to keep that in mind for the grandkids.... Hopping from Miscellany Monday.
