Play kitchen

by - June 19, 2012

Pinterest is stocked full of homemade play kitchen ideas. I have been pinning these for Ace's first birthday present. I knew I wanted him to have a play kitchen and when I saw the homemade ones I just knew we were going to do this for him. Branden is super handy so I can't wait to get started. So far we have the nightstand all sanded, primed and painted. We have a long way to go but we are hoping it will go from this...

To something like this...

Or like this...

Or have some of these details...

We also have a couple of shelves that we are thinking of adding to the side of the nightstand to make a bigger kitchen. We will see how it all turns out but if anyone has anymore links to some great pins please let me know!

What first birthday present did you get for your baby?

If your baby has a play kitchen, what is their favorite part of it?

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