Weekend Review!

by - June 11, 2012

Another weekend has come and gone!

Here is what we were up to.


The boys playing before bedtime. 

The dogs wanted to go for a ride too

Brady playing while Ace naps

Branden was off and I had the baby I watch all day and night since his parents were going out for his Mom's birthday. We were so busy with them. We went to Babies R' Us to get a "baby jail". We also went to Target to pick up some groceries. It's so funny. Whenever I take the boys out together everyone thinks they are twins despite the fact that they look nothing alike. After that we brought them home to nap but Brady was no having it. He was scared to be in a new place so we just let him play and fed him dinner while Ace napped. Then when Ace got up the boys took a bath together. It was so funny watching them in there. They were having so much fun splashing around. I wish I had gotten a picture. 
After baths we got them in PJ's and fed Ace. Then they got bottles and I put them in the cribs and stayed in there for a bit talking to them so Brady got comfortable. He looked like he was ok so I left and could hear them talking to each other in the monitor. It was so cute. Brady fell asleep first which I figured and Ace was talking to himself for awhile. Brady's parents got him a couple hours later but it was like Ace had his first sleepover, ha!



Ace let me sleep in till noon! Branden had given him a bottle at 9:30 before we went golfing and put him in the crib to play and usually he will get fussy when he wants out and I will go get him. I guess he fell back asleep because I didn't hear him again till almost 12! I walked in and he was sitting there playing like it was no big deal. Then we had lunch and I took him out to swing. He was kicking his legs and being so silly. 

After that we decided to go swimming at my parents until Branden got done golfing. That was so fun. He was cruising along the edge of the pool in the shallow beach area and then splashing like crazy. He was so happy. That kid loves water. My Mom got home and went in the pool with us for a bit and then Branden came over and Ace napped at my parents while Branden and I had dinner.  

Then we came back and went through all the birthday party supplies we have gotten the past couple of months. There was so much! We had to organize it into 3 different containers to make it easier to see all we had. So glad we got that done because we now know what we have left to buy which is not much! 

I also dyed my hair dark brown but it ended up looking black. It's not too bad and I am sure it will lighten since I have blonde highlights underneath. 


First attempt at a fabric flower

Branden worked and so Ace and I spent the day together. We got up, ate then headed out. We went to JoAnne's Fabric and I picked up a grapevine wreath, some fabric and a hot glue gun to decorate the wreath. I am making a summer one for our front door. It is my first attempt at making fabric flowers so we will see how it turns out. 

Then we came home, had lunch, Ace napped and I worked on the wreath. Then he got up and we did lots of playing and Bran came home. Ace had dinner and we played and then Bran gave him a bath. I think he is going to get another tooth because he has been drooling a lot which he never really does. He also has been crankier then usual and woke up in the middle of the night crying. Poor bug! 

Overall it was a great weekend! 

What did everyone else do this weekend?

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