Featured Friday: Cady from The Bloggy Mommy

by - June 22, 2012

Cady, tell us about your family.
My husband, Joe, and I will celebrate our sixth wedding anniversary in September. Our daughter, Lucy, was born in November 2009 after our first attempt at IVF. Joe is the Director of Marketing for a science museum, and I am a freelance writer and run my own social media marketing business while staying home with Lucy. We are all die-hard baseball fans (yes, 
even Lucy!). 

 Give us a description of your blog.
My blog is a way for me to remember what happens in our day-to-day life and is something that I hope Lucy can look back on when she's older. I talk a lot about things we do, holidays/celebrations and what I like to call Lucy-isms. I also post recipes and DIY ideas. 

What has been the most exciting part about becoming a mother?
Every stage is more exciting to me than the last. Right now, I'm excited that Lucy is starting extracurriculars. She's in a summer gymnastics class that she loves, so we'll likely be signing her up for a year-round class when this one ends. She also enjoys soccer, so we're thinking about signing her up for that in a couple of years. It's so much fun to be driving her to class, and I know it will get even more fun (and hectic!) as we add activities.

What has been the top baby products you used?
We loved our small diaper caddy, which we used for diaper changes in rooms other than the nursery. The travel first aid kit was a great product too, and we LOVED the sling pack we got from the hospital after Lucy's birth. Using that was SO much easier than lugging the big diaper bag around.

What were the baby products you had that you never used and wish you hadn't bought?
We never used our swing because Lucy hated it and wouldn't sit in it. One of our cats loved it, though. :) We also never used our sling or back carrier, both of which we got as gifts. I just never had any need or desire to use either one since I would simply put Lucy in her bouncer when I needed to do things around the house. I think I'm in the minority on this one as most moms I know LOVED their slings and carriers.

What is your favorite blog post that you have done?
Probaby the one on Lucy's birth. We struggled for several years to get pregnant and went through IVF, and there are pictures in it that make me tear up even now, two years later. 

Tell us how people can find you on the web. 

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