First birthday to do list

by - June 06, 2012

Ace in his outfit for his baptism! More on this later.

Ace's first birthday is coming up fast! We have so many things to get done before then. The same weekend of his birthday we are also having him baptized and have family coming into town so we will be quite busy. I am trying to get everything organized so I can get it all done.

First Birthday To-Do List
1. Take Pictures

  • Smash Cake
  • First Birthday Photos
  • Baptism outfit

2. Order cakes

  • Cupcakes
  • Ace's Smash Cake

3. Order party games, party supplies, ect. from Oriental Trading.
4. Go through all party items already bought and organize everything.
5. Make invites.
6. Send out invites.
7. Finish Ace's birthday wish list.
8. Order Ace's birthday outfit.
9. Hire lifeguard for pool.
10. Make goody bags.
11. Finalized party platters.
12. Make Birthday wreath
13. Prepare a diaper changing area.
14. Put together goodie bags.
15. Organize game stations.
16. Organize prizes for games.

This is what I have in mind so far. I will probably add to the list as I think of more things. I also am thinking about this for a party timeline to keep things moving. I am not 100% sure the party will be at 2 or at 1:30. Still trying to figure that part out. I am thinking 2 might be better since that might be towards the end of nap times.

Birthday Party Timeline: 2pm to 4:30pm
2-2:30: Guests arrive, snacks, mingle free play
2:30-3: CAKE
3-4: Carnival Games, pool for big kids
4-4:30: Opening presents.

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  1. Great list! I need to make a list too! I still have a little less than 4 months but if time flies as quickly as it has these past 8 months, then her birthday will be here before I know it!

  2. Time really does fly! I have been planning for quite awhile and then took a little break and was like oh crap I need to get back into it!
    Do you have a theme for your little one's birthday?
