Victoria Secret

by - September 30, 2010

I am in love with Victoria Secret. I know this is not a new store and I have been shopping there forever but it had been a long time since I bought any bras there just because I was being frugal about it. I always hate spending a lot on bras and almost forgot how amazing their bras really are. I had been getting really sick of the ones I had because they just felt like crap on and so I told my husband yesterday I was splurging on some new ones.  I went to this place called Pembroke Falls which is amazing. I love going there. It is like an outside town center. Its new and beautiful. For some reason it always reminds me of Christmas. So I went and walked around and had some "me" time and went to this store Love Culture first to see if they had any tanks but they didn't so I headed over to VS. Since I am part of the Big Booby Club I never buy push up bras, because, well my boobs are pretty awesome as is so I opted for two Sexy Tee Demi bras since they were 2 for $49 and I got one in hot pink and another in buff.  Then I also got a black bra with multi- way straps. I think that one was $39. I can't find that one online.

I also got some fun samples in the mail yesterday! P&G sent a sample of Pantene Pro-V, Head and Shoulders and Tampax pearl tampons. Woot! Woot! I love getting samples especially when there are three in one shot! I was surprised because I don't remember signing up for them but I was excited. I was so excited I took a picture lol. So here ya go!

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