Cute Boots!

by - September 12, 2010

I am obsessed with boots. I love them. This is a reason I need to get out of South Florida. There is little reason to wear boots since our fall is still hot and our winters are like everyone else's Fall.

Today Ash and I went to Target so she could go through every clearance section possible in the store and of course I noticed the ton of boots in the shoe section.  The first pair I see I fall in love with. I was so in love with them. I put them on and took a picture and sent them to Branden begging him to let me get them (obviously I am not great at saving money). I usually know this means I have negotiate. So I tell him I am making an extra $20 babysitting on Wed. because I will also have Devon and then I will be working both my other part time jobs. I send him the picture and of course he loves them on me and says "you can definitely get them next week" lol. I love it! I bet if they didn't have a little heel he would of been like no you just got a pair of boots 2 weeks ago which he did mention before he saw the pic I sent him.

I am dying, I can not wait till next week. I think I will get them Friday before I babysit so I can wear them and show the girls. They are so cute. They are 13 and 8 and then the baby just turned 1 so the girls and I are throwing the baby a mini bday party just us four. The girls are like my little sisters since I have been watching them since the 8 year old was 2 and she is a little fashionista. The 13 year old is getting into clothes that I like so its always fun to show her new things I get.

Ok here is a pic of the boots.

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