Oh Dave, how do I love thee!

by - September 07, 2010

My husband and I have been sorta, kinda following the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover.  Ok not completely but we have been trying to apply his rules to our lives without completely giving up our every little luxury.  We have been trying to clean up our debt (husband's credit cards, small student loan and car payments) and look into smarter choices on savings and future investments. 

I love Dave Ramsey. We just started watching his show and I just think he is a really smart man.  He went from becoming a millionaire to bankrupt and had to rebuild his wealth and did it the right way the next time around. Doesn't live beyond his means, ect. 

My husband and I are fortunate to not have the typical debt of two people in their mid twenties.  My husband has a small student loan, he has 3 credit cards and a car payment. He just paid off one credit card today! Hoo Rah! His car will be paid off in December and he thinks we can get the other two credit cards paid off in the next 4 to 6 months.

I went through bankruptcy last year and it sucked. I was fortunate to learn a huge lesson from it and will NEVER have a credit card again. I think Dave Ramsey's program has shown us how to make the right choices for our future. I am so grateful we found out about him at our ages instead of later on in life with the debt a lot of the people that call into his show have.

This is another reason I think its best for us to wait to have a child. I really want to start a life with a child the right way. Not because I so desperately want a baby. I want to start a family with Bran because we are ready and financially secure.

I want to teach our future children that debt should not be the norm. We should all live within our means as much as possible. We don't use credit cards anymore, whatever we buy its from our bank accounts and that is the way I like it! We are okay knowing that we will have to sacrifice on having super nice cars or a huge home. I never want to go through a financial crisis like so many do.

Thank you Dave Ramsey for being a huge inspiration!

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