Sunday, Sister Day!

by - September 26, 2010

Today I spent with my awesome sister, Ashley. She and I are only 19 months apart so we grew up very close. We have had our ups and downs through high school but have been pretty close our whole lives.

I called her and told her I wanted to go shopping. I had to find some good sales because I was only allowing myself to spend $35 max!

We went to a few different places and nothing really sparked my interest until she suggested NY & Co. and there is was! A whole area of sale items. I was very exited because they had really cute sunglasses for $2.99! Seriously? YES! I have never seen sunglasses so cheap before. I was just telling someone last night how I really wanted a pair of big fun sunglasses and I got two pairs!  They also had this funky wallet and cowl neck scarf. I got all of this for just under $17! I also got a set of 3 different sizes of hoop earrings from Dots for $3. I stayed under budget and was able to go to lunch with Ash.

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