Grr, need a new layout!

by - September 10, 2010

Ok so I am in desperate need of a new layout and heck a new name for my blog! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This week has been somewhat of a bust for me.  I only worked 2 days since there is a Jewish holiday going on so the other two babysitting jobs I have were busy celebrating or taking the days off of work.  I got some crappy news about my Dad needing to lose weight ASAP or he could very well have a heart attack. To say I was a complete mess is an understatement. I also have a lot of homework I need to get done. UHG!

Some positives are...
1. Branden brought me home roses earlier in the week because I wasn't feeling so hot. 
2. I went out and bought a bunch of healthy food to try to at least keep myself in good health.
3. Our internet is working after being messed up for two days!
4. I just got a check in the mail from school reimbursing me for my tuition at the other school I am taking a class at making us only having to of paid $80 for classes this semester for me!

So not a total bust but it had its moments. Thankfully I have my man by my side to make me feel better. I was being super "needy" last night. Just wanting to hug Bran a lot and cuddle with him and he was super sweet.

Then he turned on football and I was outta there!

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