Swollen Eye & Living Social Coupon Code!

by - January 30, 2013

Today Ace and I are staying home from work and school since I had a horrible sore throat and my little nugget has a swollen eye! Yesterday when I picked him up my sister and I noticed he had a bug bite on his forehead over his left eye and it was starting to swell. This didn't surprise me since he always gets swollen from bug bites. He had a low grade fever but overall seemed fine. He had dinner, a bath and played for a bit then I put him down for an early bedtime. He knocked out but I kept checking on him because of his fever and swelling but he was fine. This morning I had off because of my cold and I was going to bring Ace to school but when he woke up his eye was completely swollen shut and his forehead was swollen too.  They gave him a little benadryl and we were sent home so now my little nugget is playing and in a great mood.

If anyone loves Living Social as much as I do than head over to their site now because you get $5 off your order of $15 or more! WOOT! Use code SAVE5

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  1. OH his poor eye... at least he looks happy!!! Feel better!

  2. Oh no, poor guy!! He looks like he's in good spirits, though!! I hope you ALL get to feeling better!
