Sick, House Hunting, Twins!

by - January 30, 2013

This was the post I wrote yesterday and forgot to post it. OOPS!

Oh my have I been slacking on the blogger front. I have had a busy week and now I am sick. I thought it was allergies and then it turned into a burning sore throat. Very miserable. I spent the entire day in bed today until my sister came over and we picked Ace up from school. He had two mosquito bites, one on his head and the other on his arm so the poor boy looked like he had a really big forehead. He always has horrible reactions to bug bites so hopefully the swelling goes down tomorrow.

On a very exciting note, we have found a house! It was one of my good friend's parents' house. I ended up posting on Facbeook we were house hunting and one friend asked which area and I told them and then my friend whose parents were going to be selling their house wrote me and told me about it. I was so excited because I love their house. Branden and I checked it out on Sunday and he loved it too so we now just need to get the ball rolling on that. I will know more on the closing date and such soon. So glad we didn't have to look at a ton of houses, the ones we looked at we didn't love so when we looked at theirs it felt like the perfect match for us.

I can't believe January is almost over. Soon we will be heading into February which means Valentine's Day! We don't do anything super amazing but last year we went to this Mexican restaurant with Ace and I told Bran I wanted to do that again since it is during the week and maybe on the weekend we can do something just the two of us. Ace loves the restaurant because they have guys who sing at your table and that boy loves music and dancing.

What is everyone else's Valentine's Day plans? 

Oh and before I forget I wanted to say a huge Congratulations to Erin over at Hoping for Our Own Peanut for her exciting news of TWINS!!! She guest blogged here after she had her second son and discussed infertility so I am beyond thrilled for them.

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  1. Thank you, Bren! Very, very much!

    I hope your TTC journey is quick and easy this time around. :)

  2. Congrats for your new house. Thats so exciting!
