Ace is Going to Daycare!

by - January 17, 2013

Yesterday Branden and I decided to check out daycares for Ace since I just started a new job. I decided that it would be a good time to have him go to a daycare part time so he can start experiencing new activities and playing with more children. I had gotten a couple of recommendations from a friend and checked them out and also checked out the local Montessori school. I have always been a huge fan of Montessori learning but I know they are usually pretty pricey and some don't even take children till 2 or 3 but we figured it was worth a try and boy was it!
First of all the immediate entry was much nicer than the other one we had gone to. We had gotten there during nap time but were able to peak in the room and it was much more spacious which I liked. Then we went outside and get this, they had horses there! I mean how freakin' cool is that? They had two very nice playground and a lot of open space, another bonus.
We went inside and talked about pricing, activities they offer and some more details. Here is what I loved even more about them...

  • They offer "hip hop" classes every Tuesday which is actually just dance for his age. They also offer ballet, karate and horseback riding for an extra fee but I loved that they had a dance class included in the price.
  • They have a fun bus come for the kids to play in once a week.
  • They have Dr. Sues shows I believe once or twice a month.
  • They have swim lessons in the summer for all students. 
  • Their pricing was so reasonable. The other daycares I spoke to had such a minimal difference in price for full-time and part-time which annoyed me. The one had only a $5 difference and another it was $15. This place has an $80 difference. Now they are more expensive for full-time but to me you are getting what you pay for at this school. This also shows me they value each family's individual needs. 
  • They will use our cloth diapers, the other one didn't think they could and didn't seem interested in even checking just said they didn't think so. This allows us to save money, if we had used the other daycare we would have been paying more for part-time and also buying more diapers, no bueno for us! 
  • They have other students who use sign language and were more than willing to continue doing sign language with him. Granted he communicates when he uses his signs but the signs help understand what he is saying when certain words sound like something else. Help and Up sound very similar but he signs them differently. 
I am so excited for him to start. I just know he is going to really love it there. I can't wait to see all the new things he learns from them and gets to experience. 

Does your child go to daycare or a Montessori school? What do you love about your child's school or daycare? 

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  1. I didn't know you got a job! That's great! We love our daycare. It's just a center (not Montessori), but it's small and everyone on the staff knows my son. They do Parents Night Out once a month on Friday nights, so we can drop him off and they'll watch him from 6:30-11:30 pm. :)

  2. My 2 year old is in a great daycare. They have a structured academic program and she is really thriving. She is there 4-5 days a week, which was hard for me when I had to go back to work full time but I love how involved her teachers are.
    Plus the social interaction is invaluable. There is a Montessori school that just opened up in our area, but I don't have a solid reason to switch right now!

    good luck!
