18 Months Update!

by - January 16, 2013

Big Boy Ace! You are now 18 months old. Just one year ago today you were 6 months old and now you are such a little person, it is incredible! I feel like this past month has been such a big one for you. You are such a big boy. You finally go down the slide on your own and usually go down backwards which is really cute.

You have started straddling Tanner and bouncing on him. Poor dog just lays there and takes its.

Separation anxiety is at an all time high. You get very upset when you have to go in the nursery at church or if I leave you with anyone other than Daddy but get over it quickly. I think it upsets me more than you.

The other night (1/9/13) when Daddy got home you said "Hi Dada!" You made our nights with that one. You will say a couple words together if we ask you but that was the first time you really did it on your own. You also say or try to say "lets go" and "I love you".

You say hi and bye to everyone who passes you when we are out and say it till they acknowledge you. You have been mistaken for being at least 2 because people think you talk so well and are so social.
You also will blow kisses when we ask you to say "bye, bye". You have gotten really sweet about giving us hugs and kisses.

You are a big time Daddy's boy right now which has got to be the cutest thing for me to see. You two have so much fun together. You also love your dogs. You always say "Molly" even though is sounds like mommy.

You also are able to say a lot of people's names. Some of the ones you try to say are Kayla, Uncle Mike, Uncle Dustin, Aunt Joanna, Aunt Ashley, Maggie (Auntie M.), and Minnie.

You went to a Yo Gabba Gabba themed birthday party and had so much fun. I am thinking if you are still obsessed with them by the time your birthday comes around that might be the theme of your 2nd birthday. You always ask for Yo Gabba Gabba which is so funny to hear you try to say it. We can't wait to  take you to see them in March!

       This past month you have also gotten the dreaded molars. Most of the time you have been ok and not had issues but I have noticed about 4 times when I can tell they are hurting you and you have woken up a couple times at night crying and if I rock you you will go back to sleep but I just know those teeth are causing you to wake up crying and it breaks my heart.

This month has been full of so many wonderful memories. I love you so much you little crazy boy! I can't even imagine having a bigger blessing than you.

New Signs: kiss, orange (Kayla taught you that!)
Diapers: Size 5 if in disposables
Shirts: 2T/24 months
Pants: 18 months finally but you sometimes still need a belt.
Shoes: 5.5
Favorite thing to do: put toys inside of a treasure box, wipes box or anything like that, scooping dirt and putting it into a bucket, playing in the bath

What We are Loving & Don't Want to Forget
  • Your jibberish
  • You are a total Daddy's boy right now
  • How you blow kisses whenever someone says bye to you
  • That you are incredibly outgoing and funny
  • How happy you are all.the.time. It's so awesome.
  • The way you say this, its precious 

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  1. We're going to see Yo Gabba Gabba on tour, too! And probably doing the same theme for my little man's 2nd birthday. lol He's obsessed with YGG! lol
