What I'm Loving...

by - August 22, 2012

I am loving this headband trend right now

 My hair in a sock bun

The new bracelets I got in that I will be carrying in my store! I have matching earrings to go with them. LOVE!

The new Leg Warmers for Babies & Diapers that I got in for my shop as well! 

My husbands support for my new business. I feel extremely fortunate that he is being so awesome about it. 

And last but certainly not least I am loving my beautiful baby boy!

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  1. Great ideas thanks for the information I am always looking for new things like this

  2. Replies
    1. If you want I can send you a paypal invoice for it. It has matching earrings. I haven't put it up in the shop yet. They are $10 and the earrings are $5. Send me your email and I can send you a picture of the earrings if you are interested in those as well.

  3. I wouldn't mind a pair of those rainbow socks for myself! :)

    I too am grateful for my own little boy today. So, so very grateful.

    1. Haha, right? They are adorable. Adults can actually wear them on there arms.
