Featured Friday: Sarah from Frills for Thrills

by - August 03, 2012

I am thrilled to have Sarah from Frills for Thrills to be guest posting today. She is pregnant with her first child, a little boy! I found her page through Merrick's blog who was featured here on her Mommy Style. I loved Sarah's blog and style so much that I asked her to do a similar post but to talk about Pregnancy style. here is her post.

Hello Perfectly Imperfect Mom readers!
My name is Sarah and I blog over at Frills for Thrills. Most of my posts are pictures of my daily attire, accompanied by some thoughts on life. 
Sometimes funny and sometimes deep... you never know what you're gonna get! 

Fashion has always been a passion of mine, and blogging is just one way for me to enjoy the beauty and creativity of getting dressed every day. 
By the age of three I was dressing myself and doing my own hair. I always had a distinct style and knew what I liked and what I didn't. Diva much? Hahaha! 
My self expression through clothes only grew as I did and I looked always looked forward to getting dressed every day. 
That is, until I got pregnant.

Some of my friends say they loved being pregnant because they had an excuse to have a big belly. I don't mind having the belly, but sometimes it's just uncomfortable! Add to that the fact that your self-esteem is the lowest it's ever been (at least for me it has), so it'd be nice to fit into some of those items in your closet that make you feel pretty. 

By about the time I busted the zippers on my favorite pencil skirts week ten of pregnancy, I  promised myself I would still make an effort to get ready every day (hair, makeup, and something besides the stretchy pants and oversized tee that sang my name). 
For me, someone who has always expressed myself through dress, I knew this was just one way to boost my daily confidence and embrace my new body with a little more joy! 
But as I'm sure you know, relearning what looks and feels good on my new body versus the body I'd had since I was eighteen has been a project! 

There are three wardrobe tips I've found to be pretty consistent during my pregnancy and I'm here to share them with you! 

1. When nothing seems to fit, overcompensate with accessories. We all have those days when we give in to the stretchy pants and oversized tee I mentioned above, and that's OK. Try taking it a step up and wear at least one piece of statement jewelry or a fun colored accessorie! 

{About 6 Weeks Pregnant}

2. Layer something structured over something snug. As soon as you find out you're pregnant, you'll want other people to notice. Accentuate your cute bump with a fitted tank and a structured blazer to hide your new curves (i.e. love handles) and flatter your old curves that disappear by the week (i.e. your waist).

{29 & 23 Weeks}

3. Show off your legs. I'm sure they're looking tinier than ever beneath that baby belly you've got, so show them off in some shorts or a stretchy skirt. And if you're stable enough, some heels! 

{30 & 27 Weeks}

As I said earlier, these are all things that I've found helpful while getting dressed during my pregnancy.
They may not work for you, but I encourage you to try something on besides those stretchy pants! 
I promise you'll feel more confident in your new body, even if you happen to be one of those women that love being pregnant! 

And disclaimer: I totally throw on my "uniform" (i.e. sweats) the second I walk through the door...

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  1. That's a super bright red in that last picture. I love it!
