Don't let me drive!

by - August 21, 2012

I somehow can get lost while following a GPS! How does that even happen?
Yesterday Libby and I were going over to someone's house and my phone's GPS was telling me where to go and where do I end up? The AIRPORT! Not only did we circle the airport once but we somehow made it back there again. Poor Libby and poor babies!

We all learned a valuable lesson yesterday. Never let me drive when finding a new place.

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  1. Hi Brenna, I just found you and wanted to say I LOVE your blog!! I'm just at the beginning of our journey but it looks like your blog has lots of information that I would like.

    p.s. about the GPS thing, I actually have a degree in Geography, and I can't even use a compass let alone a GPS :( lol

    1. Thanks and that totally makes me feel better!

  2. I do the same thing some times! I just can't get it all figured out. I love my GPS when I can get it to work and it takes me to the right place, but that doesn't happen often!
