Mommy's Day Off!

by - August 17, 2012

So lets be real, sometimes Moms need a break, right? I am at that point. I love my son. He is probably one of the easiest babies I have ever been around. Doesn't cry unless he is actually hurt or sick, likes to play alone or with someone but doesn't usually get upset if I am busy and he has to play alone, eats well and is just overall a really happy kid. This week though has been rough. The baby I watch hasn't felt well and it sucks to see someone you love and that you care for, sick and miserable. He just wants to cuddle and was super sensitive.

Then I have my baby who has decided to try to annoy their dog, ask for milk constantly and whines when he doesn't get it and gets water instead (he is only supposed to have 16 ounces a day and for some reason has wanted it constantly so he gets almond milk during the day). Then today he only took one short nap and when we got home and I tried to put him down he cried and screamed so I rock him. He falls asleep and I try to lay him down, no dice. He wakes up crying hysterically. He has been coughing so I am wondering if he might be sick now too. Then he goes to bed early, I have a much needed dinner with the bestie and I somewhat recharge.

I have declared tomorrow is Mommy's Day Off! I will probably only make it a few hours because I really would just rather bring mini man with me and hang out with him but I think it will be good for me to just go out and focus on myself. Sometimes as a Mom you really do forget that you need that alone time. I think our husbands forget too. They think once the baby is in bed that is a break but it really isn't, especially when you are taking care of two toddlers and you have to keep up with their dishes, diapers, and toy mess.

I need this day! So, what should I do on my day off? What would you do on your day off?

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  1. Yes! Mom's need a day off too! Like a total day, without any obligation to do anything with kids or house hold stuff. Just a guilt free day..and before they turn 18!
    If I had such a day, I might go to the beach, get my nails done or try to hook up with a friend. What did you do?
    From Jenny @

    1. I just went to get my hair done. I need a full day off though. I will have one one of these days! lol
