Sock Bun Tutorial

by - August 25, 2012

Today my best friend asked me to show her how to put her hair in a sock bun and I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to show all of you as well!
Check out my step by step tutorial.

Step 1: Get a long sock and cut the toe off. If you are smart like us you will steal one from your boyfriend or husband so you don't have to ruin one of yours.

 Step 2: Flip sock inside out and start to roll it till it looks like a ring.

Keep rolling

Rock should look like a ring

Step 3: Pull your hair into a ponytail. Put hair through the center of the sock and hold ring it at the end. Pull ends up and around the ring so they are tucked in. My hair isn't all one length when it is in a ponytail so  that is why it looks really messy when I do it. As you roll the sock down tuck loose hair into the ring and under and keep rolling till you reach the top of your head. Make sure to pull all stray hairs under the bun and tuck them around.
Maggie's hair wasn't as messy because hers is longer.


Slide ring to the end of hair

Roll ends up and around ring

Me trying to shove my ends up and under the sock but my hair is all uneven

End result

Maggie's sock bun
Make sure to check out the Giveaway going on right now!

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  1. THANK YOU!!! I think I FINALLY get how this works now! BP told me how to do it awhile ago and I sooooo didn't get it! Love both you and Maggie's end results!

  2. Mine never turn out this nice!!! I will keep trying, thanks for the pics, they will actually help me because I was doing it different!! Thanks for sharing on the Blog Hop this week, love having you!

  3. I'll have to remember this for when my hair grows back.

  4. Great tip, I'll have to try this! Thanks for linking up to our Pretty Things Party. Hope to see you back next week!

  5. Ohmygosh thank you! I have always wondered about this. How simple. Do you have to pin it in place with bobby pins? Or does it just stay like that all by itself?

    1. I don't bobby pin it, mine just stays in but if you have any little hairs that won't stay down you can bobby pin them. The rolling into the sock makes it stay in place. So glad it helped :-)
