My Blogging Journey

by - October 27, 2012

I am so incredibly shocked at the growth my little blog has made the past couple of months. Because of this I would first like to say Welcome to all my new followers. I am extremely grateful you decided to follow my blog.
I also would like to give you a little look back on the past couple of years to catch you up to now.

2 years ago, before baby!

I first began blogging when my husband, Branden, and I were trying to get pregnant with our first baby. We had suffered a miscarriage and struggling to get pregnant on our own. I had found comfort in others who blogged about similar issues. I decided to start blogging and it became quite therapeutic for me. I never thought my blog would have turned into what it is today.

After a couple of months of blogging and over a year of TTC we got pregnant with our son, Ace! To say we were thrilled is an understatement. All our dreams were coming true. I chronicled my pregnancy and began to really connect with my readers. I received so much love and support throughout my pregnancy. I remember waiting to find out if we were having a boy or girl and getting so many wonderful comments when I posted about our Gender Reveal Party. I then gave birth to my son and found this blog helped me stay on top of his milestones and growth through monthly posts. I can look back on his first year and see when he first sat up or crawled. I can see sweet pictures of my son sleeping with his Daddy and his first trip to Disney.

Once I started noticing more followers were interested in my blog I decided to have guest posters come and blog here for the day. I picked women I admired and knew my followers would also enjoy reading about. I can't thank these women enough for doing this.

Now here I am with a beautiful little boy, a blog I love and a shop I enjoy stocking full of Mommy and Baby items! I hope you all stick around because I have much more to come.

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! Don't forget to enter the two giveaways I am hosting and co-hosting. Black, White and Red all Over & The Great October Giveaway!

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  1. Hi! I found your blog through a Florida blogger listing. I'm in South Florida, too -- Coral Springs, specifically. It's so nice to "meet" other mom bloggers in the South Florida area! My name is Lindsay and I have a 16 month old, Ethan. I can't wait to start following yourb log!
