Johnson's Baby: I'm Baby Lagged!

by - October 27, 2012

How Baby-Lagged Are You?
‘Baby lag’ is the term used to describe the tiredness that new parents feel after seemingly endless sleepless nights. The physical and emotional effects are said to be similar to those caused by taking several transatlantic flights, leaving parents with impaired memory and slow reflexes.
Johnson’s Baby has devised an easy, fun test to check how baby-lagged you are – you can take the  baby lag test at the Johnson’s Baby website. If your score does come out high however, there’s no need to despair. The website is also full of great tips for improving your baby’s sleep routine and helping everyone in the family on their way to a peaceful night’s rest.
The Johnson’s three step sleep routine has been clinically proven to help babies fall asleep and stay asleep for longer during the night, and it’s so simple to implement that you can start tonight. The three easy steps include a relaxing bathtime followed by a gentle baby massage and, finally, some quiet time shared before bed.
The Johnson’s Baby Bedtime range, with its naturally relaxing scent, can be a great aid to a bedtime routine. Choose bedtime bath or bedtime wash for bathtime, and bedtime lotion, cream or oil to massage baby with. All of these products use patented NaturalCalm aromas to lull baby into a relaxed state.
A simple baby sleep routine can make a world of difference when it comes to the quality of the sleep achieved by all in your household. Why not try a simple 1,2,3 bedtime routine tonight and see if you can wave goodbye to the effects of baby lag for good.
*This is a Guest Post from Johnson's Baby*

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