15 Month Update

by - October 16, 2012

You are now 15 months old and quite the handful. We have seen some interesting changes in you lately. You are much more outspoken on what you want and don't want. You are a lot more "devilish" as well. You love to do things you aren't supposed to and smile at us when you do it. You are really testing our patience but that smile helps keep Mommy and Daddy from pulling out our hair.

You are still one of the funniest kids I have ever met. You make the silliest faces and get very excited about your accomplishments.

Clothes Size: 12-18 months pants, 18-24 months shirts
Shoes: size 5
New Signs: Has done Thank You a few times
Loves: Getting into the dog's water bowl, Brady, baths, the dogs, your swing, raisins

The Hulk & Spiderman!

His new favorite thing, a broom!

Uncle Daniel taught you to say "Wow!" while play with this toy and you say it all the time now. It is the cutest thing ever!

New this month
1 new tooth
got croup, pink eye and an ear infection all at once
pushes cars and the broom and makes a "vroom" sound
says "wow", banana, diaper (perfectly), snack
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