What's for Dinner?

by - July 26, 2012

I have decided to try to stick to a dinner menu this week. I always get home and never have anything planned for dinner. On the rare occasion I will throw something in a crock pot in the morning or stop on the way home to get something from the store but when my husband works late I just say screw it and Ace usually has already eaten before we get home and by the time he has had a bath, milk, story and it's bedtime for him I am worn out. I think if I have everything planned out I will have a better chance of actually making dinner.
Here are some things I think will be easy to get done. I will do my best to document my cooking experience for your own personal enjoyment since my cooking skills aren't always the best :-P

Chicken Pot Pie

Spinach & Feta Quesadillas

Chicken Ranch Tacos

Healthy BBQ Chicken

Spaghetti and Veggie Meatballs

Low Country Boil from Growing Oranges

"Skinny" Tuna Melt

Wish me luck!

Do you make a weekly menu? What are you having for dinner tonight?

Don't forget to check out this weeks Giveaways as well!

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  1. We just made those chicken ranch tacos the other week and they are good!

    1. Awesome, they look so good from the Pinterest link. I can't wait to try them.
