1 year post

by - July 16, 2012


You are ONE! You are officially a toddler! I didn't realize time could go by so fast. You are the most amazing little boy and I love you so much. You are all boy (despite your Aunt Ashley insisting on you doing ballet and dancing around in pink pleather pants). You love throwing balls, dancing, making people laugh and being messy.

You love the pool because you can splash around like crazy. You are a total water baby (you get that from me!).

You have 6 teeth.
Started on whole milk with no problems.
Wave and say "bah, bah" for bye, bye.
Signs "more", "all done" and "milk" but won't always do it when asked.
Walk like a zombie
Claps hands when he sees others doing it.
Understands no and actually listens (I wonder how long this will last).
Can drink from a straw.
You wear size 9 to 12 months but 12 month pants are usually too big on you because you have a very skinny waist.
You are 31 inches and weigh 22lbs 5ozs.

You are starting to try to say more words. Pretty sure you said your own version of bubbles.
You are very outgoing and very funny. You are dancing more and more. You laugh and smile all the time.
You are starting to throw little tantrums, so far it doesn't really bother me unless its during diaper time. Then its a little bit more difficult because you aren't as easy to distract.

Your birthday party was AWESOME! All your little friends came and we all had the best time.

For your first birthday we made you a play kitchen, which you love.

It is incredible to see how you are growing and learning. You still are obsessed with books which I hope continues throughout your life.

I love you BOOGIE!

Look out for his first birthday party post coming soon!

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