Moving! Tips, please!?

by - February 11, 2013


I am not sure if we did an update on our moving situation. We have all our papers signed and have an inspection Tuesday for our house. I can not explain how excited we are. This will be our first we will officially own.
It is a bit further west for us so unfortunately Ace will probably have to switch schools. I am bummed because I love his school and they are so sweet to us and understanding of our schedules. I have really appreciated their kindness towards us. 
Now onto some moving tips, anyone have any? This will be our biggest move we have made in terms of stuff. Prior to this move we only had a small amount of things to move and it was just Branden and me. Now we have all of Ace's clothes, toys and furniture. 
Has anyone moved with a toddler before? If so I would love to hear what your tips are with this. I plan on making a post with all of these tips so feel free to leave them and where you would like me to link your tip to (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, ect.).

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  1. I'm looking forward to these suggestions! It looks like we're planning a move in the fairly near future, as well. I am so excited, but OMG we have SO MUCH STUFF NOW! lol

    Congrats on the new house! Can't wait to see Ace's nautical themed room! :)

  2. Hi! We have moved twice with the twins- once when they were 6 months and then 23 months and about to move again! The girls' room is #1 and the kitchen is #2. The kids apparently still need to eat and sleep when we are unpacking. A few new to Ace items will distract him happily while you are free to unpack a few boxes. Plus once his room is all up and running, he will have a safe place to play. Best of luck!

  3. We moved last year when Number One was 2 and Number Two was 6 months old. We took turns driving things to the new house so the girls weren't making that trip all day long. Once all the little things were packed and moved with our cars, I brought the girls over in my car while Wayne his dad and a family friend brought over all the furniture in his truck and trailer. It made it easier because the girls weren't as fussy. We also included Number One in picking out the house and we spent a full day with nothing in it and letting her roam around and inspect every nook and cranny of the house before we brought her big girl bed over and put it together. Good luck.

  4. Hi! A few quick tips for an easy move with kids from Unpakt:

    1. Pack two days worth of things you need for the kids in a special box/suitcase and take it with you. You never know what the kids will need on the road, so it's best to be prepared. Snacks, toys, handheld video games, etc.
    2. Keep the kids away from the move site and try to make it a fun, exciting day for them.
    3. Keep your chid's favorite belongings in one box for him/her to open as soon as you move in. This helps create a familiar place almost immediately.
    4. Since Ace is changing schools, contact the new school before actually moving. Make sure all paperwork, such as immunization forms, have been completed. Additionally, consider asking for a tour of the school with his new teacher to help him get acclimated.

    Unpakt is a digital marketplace for moving services, like Kayak or Expedia for moving. You can find reputable movers, compare exact prices and book online when you're ready. Check it out to help move your family (and for more tips on moving with kids!) -
