Greenie Tots!

by - February 27, 2013

My son is not a big meat eater. We rarely feed him meals that include meat and when we do have meat he isn't always a big fan. I love finding vegetarian meals for him that he will love. Recently I was contacted by Greenie Tots to try out some of their meatless meals. The best part is they are soy free, contain no hormones, pesticides or high fructose corn syrup!
I picked the quesadilla ones because Ace is a huge fan of eating quesadillas when we go out. One was Chik'n, Cheese & Spinach Quesadillas with mixed veggies and Cheeseburger quesadillas with sweet potato fries. The first night we got them we tried the Chik'n ones and those were a huge hit with Ace. I even had a bite and really liked them. They filled him up which is hard to do because that boy loves to eat. He surprisingly ate all the veggies too.
With the cheeseburger ones he wasn't as big of a fan but I think that was because he wasn't as hungry. He decided to throw a lot of it on the floor but when he did try to eat his food he ate them and seemed to like it. He also liked dipping the sweet potato  fries in ketchup that came with it.

Overall I would say these are a great option for vegetarian and non-vegetarian families. They are fast and easy for nights when you are on the run and healthy as well!

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