Holiday Series: Free iPhone Sale Sorter App!

by - November 18, 2012

Fa la la, it's the shopping season! This year is going to be a big Christmas for our family. Not only is Ace a fun toddler and going to actually be opening up his own presents this year but we also have our nieces and nephews to get gifts for as well. Talk about lots of shopping, right? Not to mention everyone else on our shopping list. So how can a family save this holiday season? By shopping your at your favorite stores when they have sales of course! You are probably thinking, "How am I supposed to know when all these sales are going on? I don't have time to check the paper, online or watch commercials!" Never fear, there is a new app in town and it is going to be your Fairy Sale Mother! iPhone now has a new app called  Sale SorterFirst of all this app is at iTunes for FREE! Can't get better than that but actually it does because this app also saves you money and time. With the shopping season in full swing this app gives you information on all the sales going on in your area. It even gives you a map of where the sales are located and you can sort them by category as well.

Another awesome feature is you can share the sals with your friends. This comes in handy when I know my Mommy friends are looking for something for their little one and I can just share the sale with them through the app of the item I know they had been eyeing for weeks! Simple as that.

The thing I love about this app is the fact that it is right there on my phone and I don't have to google search, check my computer, or find a flyer just to find sales of something I am dying to buy. I can just check out the Sale Sorter app and "poof!" the sales are right there at my fingertips! What's even more amazing? The notify feature, it will tell you when there are sales in your area at your favorite stores. Why even shop when there isn't a sale after this?

You have nothing to lose by checking out this app because it is free and it saves you money on your purchases!

* I was compensated to review this app. I was not paid for a positive review, all thoughts are my own. 
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