Dreaming of a Playground!

by - November 08, 2012

I am on a mission to create a play yard for Ace and his friends in the backyard. Since we live in Florida this time of year is actually the perfect time to play outside and we don't have anything out there but his swing and water table. Having two or three toddlers with me a day also makes it really difficult getting these kids to a park so the next best thing is our backyard. I want to get him an awesome play house and slide. I have been searching for new or used, I am not picky, just as long as it is in great condition. 
I also need to block the area off from our dogs so it is poop free. This has been our biggest issue with our yard since we have dogs. 

Here are some of my ideas!
First we of course would need an awesome playground set!

White Picket Fence to keep the area blocked off from the dogs.
Some type of "flooring" so to speak to help keep the dirt from splashing up when it rains and keeping the boys a little less messy. The one below is called pea gravel? Anyone hear of it? Any other suggestions?
And last but not least a couple of cute kids to play in this fun set up!
Can you tell Ace needs something a bit safer to climb on?

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  1. I love that picture of Ace. My girls do the same thing with their toys so we're getting them a swingset and then building a playouse and jungle gym for them in out back yard. :)

  2. As a fellow Florida Mom I totally understand! We got my daughter a small trampoline and play house from Sams Club in June. WE have had minimal use because it has just been so darn hot! The hubby mulched an area of our back yard and that's her play space. Hoping to be outside all weekend because the weather is BEAUTIFUL!!


  3. We're looking for a playground for our backyard, too! We just have a picnic table for Ethan and his water/sand table. Then just a huge patch of grass -- lame!

  4. For the "flooring", I would recommend rubber mulch!! It's the same stuff they use on our playground, it's nontoxic, and it lasts a long time. It's also kind of cushiony, so it can help keep falls and tumbles from hurting. It's somewhat eco-friendly since they make it out of recycled tires. And it has that Microban stuff. If the dogs eat a little bit of it, it's soft and won't hurt them (nontoxic). Lowe's sells it for like $10 a bag.

  5. For the "flooring", I would recommend rubber mulch!! It's the same stuff they use on our playground, it's nontoxic, and it lasts a long time. It's also kind of cushiony, so it can help keep falls and tumbles from hurting. It's somewhat eco-friendly since they make it out of recycled tires. And it has that Microban stuff. If the dogs eat a little bit of it, it's soft and won't hurt them (nontoxic). Lowe's sells it for like $10 a bag.

  6. I would recommend the rubber mulch!! It's nontoxic, it lasts a long time, it's somewhat eco-friendly (made of recycled tires), it has Microban, it's affordable (about $10 a bag at Lowes). The best part is that it's soft and kind of cushiony to stand on, so it's great for tumbles/falls (they use it on some of the big playgrounds). And if the dogs eat some of it, it's soft/bendy and nontoxic so it won't hurt them. We have it and I love it!!
