Happy New Year!

by - January 01, 2012

2011 brought me the most amazing person into my life, my son. I feel like I am so incredibly blessed to have such a sweet, happy and most importantly healthy baby boy. He is such a joy and I can't express how much I love him. I can't believe in just over 6 months he will be one.
We went to my cousin's first birthday yesterday and the time really flew from when I went to visit them in the hospital. It was cute seeing the boys together. Colton kept getting upset if I picked Ace up so we finally went and played with them on the rug and if I sat him up he lightly pushed on him because he wanted him to lay down. It was pretty funny.
Last night I hung out with my little guy since Branden worked and he got home about 30 minutes before the ball dropped. We gave eachother a kiss and went into kiss Adonis for New Years. Now he is back at work so I am not sure what Adonis and I will do today.
I hope everyone has a great New Years!

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