Things I have Learned from being a Mother.

by - January 07, 2012

There are so many things I have changed my thought on since becoming a mother. I feel like I just see the world differently so I decided to make a blog post dedicated to things I have learned since becoming a mother. They are things I either have heard people say and just didn't understand till he was here or things I have realized are so important now.  Some are silly or obvious and some are more serious but either way these are a few things I have learned.
Here we go...
Things I have learned since becoming a mother...
1. I have never loved someone so much before.
2. I have a new respect and love for my mother. I now understand how strong her love is for me.
3. How innocent a child really is and how badly I want to protect that innocence.
4. I would give up my life for my son in a heartbeat.
5. There is nothing better then making your child smile.
6. I can make my son feel better or calmer faster then anyone and its an amazing feeling.
7. My body will probably never be the same but it really is worth it all.
8. The first 6 to 8 weeks of a baby's life is so hard but it does get easier.
9. Breastfeeding was one of the hardest things I ever did but also one of the most rewarding. I wish I could have done it longer.
10. No parent is perfect.
11. Mother's guilt is real.
12. My son is perfect.
13. He amazes me everyday.
14. I can make up silly songs in a heartbeat.
15. Having other mothers as friends is so important.
16. You realize all those things you said you would or wouldn't do as a mother sometimes change.
17. You stop caring about how stupid or ridiculous you look when trying to make your child smile.
18. We try to be the best example for your child so he can be an amazing adult.
19. You understand how important it is to start saving for college now.
20. I will miss my son even when I am only away from him for a short time.

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