First ER visit

by - January 25, 2012

Yesterday when I brought Ace home from my Mom's it was time for him to goto bed. We did our usual routine and got him in his PJ's, got a bottle and read his books. Then I put him in his crib with his mobile, soothing giraffe and soother all on and went out of the room and all he did was fuss, fuss, fuss. Then it got worse and he started crying and then screaming. It was awful. This went on for 5 hours. Finally we brought him to the ER because this was not like him and nothing helped. We were there only an hour and of course when we get there he isn't screaming or crying just looking around. The doctor saw white spots on the roof of his mouth and he has a virus that is causing him pain. So we are giving him tylenol and he has been resting and getting lots of cuddles. He seems to be better thankfully! He and I just took a 2 hour nap, it was much needed. Here is his little hospital bracelet.

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