Summer Time!

by - June 14, 2011

I remember when I was little and summer started. It was the best. Sleeping in, playing in the pool all day, going to the movies on rainy days. It felt like the best times. As you get older its rare to have summers off. Well, now that I am pregnant and my nannying jobs are done pretty much till after the baby comes I get a "real" summer. I have been sleeping in a bit, not much since we have our dogs waking us up but if Bran feeds them I do get to sleep in a bit. I can go to my parents house and hang out in their pool whenever I want and will probably go to a few movies on Bran's days off.
I also went today and got an Icee! I love Icee's in the summer. I went to the library to get a good summer read too. I never get books from the library but I figured why waste money when I can get them for free. I was surprised they had the one I wanted so I was super excited.
Not to much else is going on here. Just being super lazy and hanging out at home.

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