32 weeks

by - June 05, 2011

I am 32 weeks pregnant! Yay! 8 or so more weeks and this peanut will be here. I can not wait to hold him. I can't wait to officially be a Mom and Branden be a Dad. I feel like there is nothing like your husband becoming a Dad.
Last night we tried to organize the baby's room for the 4th time. This time we actually did a good job at getting things organized and moved around and things that needed to be taken out of the room were taken out! It actually has space to walk around now. I still went in there again this morning and cleaned out a few more things. We had gotten so many hand me downs from the people I nanny for that we had a bunch of stuff that we could donate or give to my brother (he is expecting a baby boy in October) and Branden's friend who is having a baby boy in September. I just was able to get rid of a bunch of wash cloths lol. I didn't register for any but ended up getting some and had some from my sister from when we found out we were having a boy then we had a bunch of used ones from the one lady I nanny for plus some other new ones so I ended up putting them all in a bag for my brother and they can go through them and keep them or get rid of them.
We are still waiting on some more things or the baby's room. Once we get his little drawers for his cloth diapers I feel like we can really organize his shelf/changing table and have even more stuff in it's place. I just can't wait to have everything here and organized.
Not to much else has been going on. Branden is working today so I am super bored. I went to Target searching for a basket and found it so that was my big day.
Oh yesterday we went and saw The Hangover 2. It was pretty good but basically the same as the first one but not as funny. I would say save your money and wait for it to come out on DVD and see something else that is funny since it seriously is too similar to the first one but again, not as funny.
I am craving an icee so I might go get one! Yum! Here is a new belly pic. I realized I probably haven't updated one in awhile.

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