Hey there Blue Jay!

by - June 26, 2011

Today has been a pretty lazy day. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I had heartburn and I think some BH contractions here and there. I also get up so much to pee that it's like what is the point of falling asleep just to wake right back up? I finally fell asleep around 8 or so then Branden kind of woke me up to say goodbye when he left for work then I slept till noon. My sister had wanted to hang out so when I got up she came over with her dog Jasmine and we went to Target while our dogs had a "play date". Then we came home and watched one of our all time favorite movies Empire Records! I had recorded it the other night and started watching it but it wasn't the same without my sister so I held out till she came over.
Then our Dad came by and we all went to Barnes and Noble. It's one of my all time favorite things to do with my Dad. Ever since I was little he would take me there on Saturdays when my Mom and sister worked and so it was always our thing but it was nice to have Ash come too.
Now I am home and I need to start dinner but I am hanging out in the backyard with the dogs since it isn't hot but the mosquitos are biting so I guess I should go in. A nice little treat was I finally got a picture of a blue jay that is always flying around our backyard.

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