It Works!

by - March 04, 2013

Who has heard of this It Works wrap that has been all over the internet lately? Well, if you haven't you have got to read this. I tried this wrap last night and was super skeptical about it. I was like yeah I am sure it might do something but I didn't expect much at all. Even Branden was like alright times up lets see these insane results, ha! We were both just being super ridiculous about it.
Well, then he unwrapped me and yeah, definitely a difference! They say you actually see more of a difference 24 to 72 hours after the wrap so I am super excited about that and I am actually ordering one more to try out again.
So here is the deal, you put the wrap on then wrap yourself in cellophane, super hot look and then do whatever for 45 minutes. After that you unwrap yourself and bam you feel like your skin is way more toned up. The thing I also liked about the wraps are the smell, it has this minty smell which is pretty cool. Afterwards I had this tingly feeling going on which I didn't have during the wrap though.
So how does this ah-mah-zing wrap work? Well, it goes a little something like this...
How does the Ultimate Applicator Work?
The Ultimate Applicator works by tightening, toning and firming. Daily, toxins are naturally removed from the body by your stool, urine and the air you breathe out. The ingredients continue to work for 72 hours after you have applied the Ultimate Applicator, so you may continue to see progressive results over this time period."

  • An exclusive, botanically-based body contouring treatment
  • Detoxifies, tightens, tones and firms where applied to the skin
  • Minimizes the appearance of cellulite and skin slackening
  • See dramatic, lasting results in as little as 45 minutes
  • Completely customizable body contouring system
This was all taken from the brochure I got and I have to agree with all of it. 
So here I am waiting to see the ultimate results after 72 hours, best advice they give is to chug a lot of water to help get all the toxins out of your body and all that fun jazz. 

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  1. I would love to win this because I just had a baby 5 months ago and I would love to tone up.

  2. I would love to try this wrap! I've heard about it and the results seem to good to be true!!! I could really use encouragement to help me get back to a healthier lifestyle. :)

  3. I would love to win this wrap b/c my stomach is a mess. two kids and two c-sections have destroyed my stomach!!!

  4. Congrats Erin - I just wrapped up your wrap and it'll hit the mail today! Hooray!

    As for those of you who have entered to win and STILL want to earn a free wrap, I often host online parties (mainly through facebook). Please let me know if you would be interested in this. OR I do parties in person in Colorado, Missouri, Michigan, Texas and Oklahoma (some of these places I have team members there).

    Finally, If you are looking to make a little extra money with this amazing company feel free to contact me through my website:

    Blessings, Lauren Stephens (Ruby Executive with It Works! Global)

  5. Congrats Erin on winning a free AMAZING It Works wrap! It is going in the mail today! (sorry for the delay we have been packing to move).

    As for anyone else who entered and still wants to earn a FREE wrap to give a try (& fall in love with!) I do online parties through facebook. It's super easy too.

    Also, if you are looking to make a little (OR A LOT!) of extra money while staying at home with your kids like I do then check out my website: This company is changing my life and allowing me to start making as much as I did working 40++ hours a week as a teacher!

    Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me through my website or email:
