6 weeks, smiles and the Keys

by - August 29, 2011

My little man has come a long way since, well, yesterday!

The past week has been rough. Ace has been fussy and colicy and it just broke my heart.

This morning it all changed. He smiled at us, twice! We were sure it was a possible fluke but he smiled and that was all that mattered. He also has been less gassy and fussy. It's like he woke up and decided to just enjoy the day.

Later on in the day I went to get him out of his swing, that he actually sat in for a bit staring at his toys and he smiled at me when I kissed him! I instantly kissed him more and more and did things to try to get him to smile and he did. Then I was on the phone with my Dad and I laughed and he did a little cooing laugh. So sweet.

On Friday we went to the Keys, it was Ace's first trip to our family's house there. He basically slept the day away and was up a lot of the night of course! He didn't do much but hang out inside since he can't wear sunscreen yet but it was nice to go down there.
He turned 6 weeks on Saturday when we were there so of course I took a picture of him!

So big at 6 weeks! 

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