by - May 19, 2011

Yesterday I woke up and my stomach looked smaller. It was so weird. After I ate it looked bigger but I was hoping Mr. Adonis had flipped head down instead of still being transverse but I think I still feel his head on my right side and his butt/feet on my left. Little stinker.
I also called to make a prenatal pediatric appointment! I am excited about this. I got two recommendations to a Pediatric Associates near us from two of the ladies I babysit for and I am looking forward to meeting the doctors and getting a tour. I need to write down a bunch of questions to ask and get everything worked out before we go in. We don't go in till June 25th. I need to make sure I tell Bran to take off.
It's crazy all these things you need to do before the baby gets here and it just makes it all seem so real. I just can not wait to meet my baby. I keep wondering what he will look like. I hate to say this but I wanted if he will be cute lol. I mean both Bran and I were cute babies so I am sure he will be cute but sometimes some babies look seriously rough after coming into the world. Obviously as a parent you could really care less but it's funny to think about. Like if he does look a little rough will I notice and if I do will I think it's funny for people to tell me he is cute?
Not to much else has been going on. I have a doctor apt. Wednesday and then Friday is our 3D ultrasound then Saturday is my babyshower! I can not wait. I can't wait to see my Mother--in-law and Sister-in-law and niece Bella. Bella, is probably one of the funniest little girls. She has so much energy and she is very silly. I just love her to death.
I am also hoping one of my BF's Kat, brings her two daughters to the shower. I just love them so much. I call them my girls. Her oldest Ashleen is one of the most beautiful, sweetest, smartest girls you will ever meet. I mean she is stunning. I was there when she was born and I seriously looked at her and was like that baby isn't cute, she is beautiful. I mean there was no words. She came out looking like she had lipstick on, eye liner and mascara, her features are just insane. Her younger sister Brielle is the toddler ever. She walks around with this happy go lucky personality and she is just very funny and sweet. I love holding her. I hate that they live almost 4 hours away. Her husband Jaime is also amazing and Bran and him get a long great so its nice having them in our lives. I really want to move closer to them and we are hoping to move that way next year.
The 28th  can not come soon enough!

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