
by - May 24, 2011

I am feeling really upset right now. I was sitting with my dog Tyson on the couch, he always likes to cuddle up to me and he yawned and I noticed the back of his tongue was kind of white and I know he has been having issues like something was bothering him so I looked in his mouth on the side where his tumor is and I could see it coming down into his gums. It looks like a bubble there and I just broke down. The thought of this tumor taking over his mouth as well is just to much for me. How does anyone deal with a pet with cancer? I can not even imagine if I had to deal with a person with cancer because this is just way to much. I am so heartbroken. I knew in time this might happen but I wish it wasn't happening. I just wish this thing wasn't growing into his mouth. I know sooner or later I will have to decide to put him to sleep and I just do not want to do that. I don't want to have to put him through pain though either so I know I will have to.

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