Monster Sized Baby!

by - May 09, 2011

Today I had a doctor appointment and the baby is already measuring 2.5 weeks ahead! I have a feeling he will be a big boy like his Daddy. I also got some pamphlets on hospital classes and yoga. I need to definitely look into those. I asked the doctor who I saw about induction since that has been my main concern and her answer was perfect. We try to avoid induction at all costs! I love it. She likes to do things as natural as possible but thinks epidurals are fine, I told her I was a wimp so I probably will get one but I love that she is more into the natural things.
After that I went to lunch with my Mom, my friend Maggie and her Mom, Susan, who was in town from California. It was great seeing them and having lunch. I basically lived at Maggie's when I was in highschool and have always been close to her Mom. I really wish she still lived here.
On another fun note, I am trying to plan a Baby Moon for me and Bran. I hope I can pull it off as a surprise for Branden. He always plans the surprises for us and since his birthday, our anniversary and Father's Day are all coming up I thought it would be nice. He got me a great Mother's Day gift to a spa and I just feel so lucky and want to show how much I appreciate all he does. Last year for our anniversary he surprised me with a mini trip to Naples and it was so sweet and relaxing. Since the baby is basically due on our anniversary I want to do something now before I get to uncomfortable. I will keep you posted!

Mags and Me
Susan and Me

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