Everly at 12 Months

by - April 09, 2015

Miss Everly, you are one year old! 

You are probably the funniest kid I have ever met. You have this personality that is so intense. You are very strong willed, happy and hilarious. You have a smile that lights up a room. It is so big. 
When you were just a few months old I would never have imagined you would have been like this. You were such a difficult baby, not your fault because you had colic, but it was tough. 
You love your baby dolls, blankies and balls. You carry them around all day. Dancing is also a favorite of yours. 
At your 12 month well visit you were 29.75 inches long and about 20lbs (I don't remember exactly). You wear 12 months clothes but can fit into some 18 months because of your length. Your waist is very skinny like Ace's. You wear a size 5 shoe and a 4 diaper (could be in 3s but we put you in 4s since that is what Ashlyn is in). 
You are pigeon toed like my side of the family. Hopefully it won't be extreme since no one really is but you definitely walk like my Mom and your cousin and I love it. 
You know signs for more and eat but we rarely work on signs with you, poor third child syndrome. You can already run which is hilarious. I need to get it on video because I have never seen such a little person run like you. 
You are a wild child and have no concept of boundaries and getting hurt. You love to wrestle with Ace and will go behind him and try to pull him to the ground to wrestle. You will also throw yourself around when we lay pillows and blankets on the ground. You are just like Ace and Daddy. Ashlyn and I just hang out and watch you crazy 3! 
Ashlyn is your number 1. You and her have such a connection and I love it. I hope you are always close. 
You also love giving kisses! It is so sweet. You have really become the sweetest little girl. 

We love you so much beautiful girl!!!

Photos by Lindsay Lago Photography

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