Everly's Birth Story

by - April 16, 2014

Our baby girl is here! It was quite an interesting birth to say the least…
Pictures are going to be random throughout.

Friday, March 21, my cousin's took Ace and Ashlyn to the Keys for the week for Spring Break since I was scheduled to be induced on Monday if Everly didn't come before then. 
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Branden and I decided to go to a movie later that day and just relax at home after. Everyone said that the second I relaxed she would come. They were totally right! 
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I slept in on Saturday, the 22nd till 11AM. I woke up feeling cramp and had a feeling it might have been contractions. I took a bath and still felt cramps. I got out and did my make up and timed them. They were coming 2.5 minutes apart! I told Branden we had to go to the hospital and we got there around 12:45. 
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Once I was there they had to monitor me for an hour to make sure I was in active labor. I was about 4 CM dilated and my contractions were coming about the same amount apart but weren't horrible, painful but tolerable. 
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Hot little mess
After awhile they started getting longer and stronger and closer together. I was slightly freaking out since they were still monitoring me and didn't seem like they were in any rush to admit me. Finally after over an hour and me screaming in pain they brought me to a room. 
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At this point I was freaking out because I wanted an epidural bad! They checked me and I was 6 cm. I got something for pain since they had to wait an HOUR for the IV fluids to go through me. I may have had a meltdown when she said that. The medication helped me stop tensing up and I was able to actually breath through the contractions. 
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My doula, Carolina, got there and within 5 minutes of her being there I felt something weird and then had the urge to push! I started crying and freaking out knowing that I was probably not getting an epidural. I begged for the epidural and the nurse said let me check you and I was 8cm! At that point I got hysterical. I was so scared of Everly would come out not breathing like Ace. 
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Those lips! 
My doctor wasn't there yet since I progressed so quickly once I was admitted and a random doctor was in the hall and asked if they needed her. She came in and was so sweet. She saw I was freaking out and  just said "Ok,Brenna, what are you so scared of?" I told her about Ace not breathing and she said ok and helped me through. Carolina was amazing too. She kept telling me not to fight it and whenever she said that I was able to kind of breath and calm down.
After a few minutes though I had to keep pushing and I was screaming the entire time. I actually had a sore throat from it all. After 15 minutes of pushing Everly was born at 3:30PM. 
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First time seeing Everly
My doctor got there right in time to deliver the placenta. 
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Everly's first bath
All I have to say is while it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, it was incredible because of the people who helped me through it. It was so different from Ace's birth that was so traumatizing and the nurses and doctor were awful. This time they were so kind and understanding.
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  1. Congratulations! I love the name Everly. She is beautiful. How nice to have better doctors this time around!

  2. So no epidural. ..This scares me!
