Ashlyn is 6 months!

by - April 22, 2014

Happy Half Birthday my beautiful Ashlyn!!!
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Bow Headband
I can't believe you are 6 months old my little angel. You are such an incredible little girl. From your sweet smile to your amazing disposition.
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Everyone who meets you can't get over what a happy and sweet baby you are. We have been told you have an old soul and I believe it. You just are so content with life and make everyone happy.
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This past month you have been sitting up more and more. We still have to put a pillow behind you just in case but overall you are getting really great at sitting up. 
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Anchor Sleep and Play 

You love to eat and we started giving you yogurt melts and puffs. Both you are a big fan of.
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You are still a total Daddy's girl. You just smile so big for him. You give me sweet smiles and try to hold my face but there is just something about your Daddy you just adore. It makes me so happy since I was a total Daddy's girl growing up.
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You are still such a big girl. I will know your stats on Monday but you are in 9 months clothes and I am pretty sure if I put you in 12 months on the bottom they'd fit. Your tank top onsies are 6 months but everything else has to be at least 9 months for you. 
You have become a terrible napper. It is slowly getting better though. You always fall asleep on our walks and sometimes in the car if you haven't napped so you will sneak in a cat nap there and sometimes will take one good nap at home. 
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You still only have 2 teeth on the bottom. I thought you were going to cut more because of your issues with sleep but still none in sight. 
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I can't remember if this happened after you turned 5 months or before but you found your feet and like to put them in your mouth. 
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You are still a big "talker" much like your brother was. I swear between the two of you the house is never quiet. I am wondering if Everly will be the quiet one. 
Miss Ashlyn, you are just the most incredible little person. I don't think I go a day without thinking about how lucky we are to have you.
Weight: 18 lbs
Height: 26 inches
Sleeping: Through the night 7PM- 6:30AM, Usually will only take one nap a day
Eating: 8ozs every 4 hours
Wearing: 9-12 months clothing
Diaper: About to bump you up to size 4

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