Everly at One Month

by - April 22, 2014

Miss Everly,
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You are now one month old! It has been quite a month for you. You have had your tongue tie snipped, formula switched 4 times due to stomach issues, much like your brother, and your belly button has had to have silver nitrate put on it to help it heal. You also are a super fussy girl because of the stomach issues.
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You are still getting breast milk but since I don't make enough you usually nurse through out the day and then get bottles to make up for the rest. 
You are a good sleeper at night. You wake up usually around 3 or 4 AM and then around 6:30 and will sometimes just sleep till 9 or so. Much like your sister. You sleep randomly throughout the day. 
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You hate being put down. You like being held pretty much all day. Your brother was the exact same way. Ashlyn was so easy going that if I had to put her down she was cool with it but she was held a lot too but it didn't seem as demanding as it did with you and Ace.
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You are starting to smile but they aren't social smiles yet. It seems like you are more smiling at things so it will be cool when you smile for us. 
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You drink about 3ozs every 3 hours. Wearing newborn to 0-3 month clothes. We are bumping you up to size 1 diapers since you are starting to grow out of newborns. You also have horrible poop diapers so we are hoping the new formula will help with that. 
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We all call you Gertie or Gert. This is so random but I was showing a group of my girl friends a picture of you when you were a newborn and I was joking how you looked like a Southern old lady because of your big lips and squinty eyes. One of them jokingly said we shall call you Gertrude and now it has become your nickname. I give you this pretty name and you now have a weird nickname haha. Your Dad has even said we could change your name since we rarely use Everly. No way! 
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It has been a crazy month getting adjusted to having 3 little ones but we feel so incredibly lucky to have each of you in our lives. We can't wait to see your personality and how unique you are. We love you little angel!!

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