Ashlyn at 4 Months!

by - February 20, 2014

You are now 4 months old! Time is flying by. It definitely flies by a lot faster the second time around.
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I can't get enough of you. You have the sweetest little smile. It's a soft, closed mouth smile and your eyes squint and your chubby cheeks look even chubbier. It's killer!
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You love "talking". You are obsessed with your hands being in your mouth and will growl at them. You also "flirt" with your toys. It is the cutest thing.
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You also have the best giggle. Daddy gets the best laughs out of you. You are quite a Daddy's girl, which is incredibly sweet but you definitely prefer Mommy to snuggle with and cuddle.
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I must say you are such an incredible baby. You are always so content and happy. You sleep amazingly well and eat like a champ. We are so incredibly blessed to have you in our lives.
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Headband: Similar
Bib: Plum Bum Baby
Wearing: 3-6 Month clothes
Diapers: Size 2/3
Eating: 4-6ozs every 3-4 hours
Sleeping: Through the night till 5:30/6 AM, bottle, then back to sleep
Firsts: rolling from back to tummy, Disney trip!

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