8 Months

by - March 16, 2012

8 Months

7 Months
You are 8 months old today! You are such an amazing little guy. You have quite a personality. You love to scream in delight at anyone and anything. You laugh easily and smile all the time. You are one of the happiest babies I have ever seen. I feel lucky to be your mother. You are a huge flirt too! We often get told you are "pretty" or "beautiful", yet you are never mistaken for a girl. You are also described as funny, goofy, a ham and loud, ha! You demand attention but don't get jealous when Mommy has to hold the baby I watch. You are good about sharing me and have no fear of strangers.
You can now clap your hands, sit up, roll around and dance. You love to dance and clap your hands. You also like to see how things work and move. You are not interested in crawling but I am not surprised. Physically you take your time. You also went in the pool for the first time this past month and loved it.
You are about 19 or so pounds and I am not sure on your height.
Things you hate are bed time but you do sleep through the night and are in your own room!
You also do not like when you are in the carseat at night if I am not in the backseat with you.
You sleep with a blanket made by a good friend which I love and think is so sweet.
My sweet boy, you are the most incredible person!
I will add more pictures later.

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