Big Update

by - November 18, 2011

I have been terrible about updating. With working part-time and being home with Ace during the day I have little time to update.
First I want to update on Ace's first Halloween. It was rainy and we had already planned to go meet up with my cousins at the mall since it was their baby's first Halloween as well. It was cute seeing the boys dressed up together. Colton is almost 7 months old then Ace and he kept staring at him and touching his arm. It was adorable.

Then we went to my other cousin's church because they have a Halloween party there every year and my cousin Brian's band plays. We stopped by and hung out for a bit so they could see Ace. 

After that we headed to Steak N' Shake to get a quick dinner and headed home to get Adonis to bed. It wasn't the most exciting Halloween but it was nice being able to dress him up and visit with family. I think our family Halloween party was our way of doing a big Halloween event for his first so this was a nice easy going night. 

About once a week I have been meeting up with a group of girls from a mom group a friend and I set up. It has been great to meet new moms and get their points of view on different things. The first couple meet ups Ace was so tiny and was just learning to smile and he would sleep through them. Now he is awake more even though the meet ups are usually around his nap time but now he is more interested in the other babies which is cute. We had one at the park and it was a nice cool day and it was cute getting all the babies together and seeing them watch each other or play with each others toys. 
Ace with one of his girlfriends Riley
After the park we went to lunch with my cousins and got the cutest picture of Adonis. 
There was a community garage sale in my old neighborhood so I took Ace out there to meet two of my old neighbors and I got a picture of us in front of my childhood home. I miss it so much! 

Yesterday my sister and I went to lunch and she put her sunglasses on him and he loved it! I sometimes can not get over what a little cute Ace is! 

We also had brunch with my best friend and her Mom with my Mom and sister. It was so nice to catch up and have a girls day. My friends Mom moved to Cali and she was like a second Mom to me in highschool so it was so great to see her with Ace. I just love her to death! 

And that is about it. These events are all out of order but I wanted to get them all posted. I need to get my butt in great and post more frequently. I am going to make a seperate post on Ace turning 4 months!  

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