4 Months Old!

by - November 18, 2011

4 months
2 weeks old

My baby boy turned 4 months old on the 16th. Today was his 4 month check up and he is in the 25th percentile for everything.

Weight: 15lbs
Height: 24.5inches

He got two shots and a "cocktail" drink. I hate shots! His little legs always hurt him afterwards.

Right now Ace is really into making noises, squealing, laughs and ahhs.  He loves his hands, obsessed! He is super drooly right now too. He really likes his bouncer and playmay and we just put him in his super seat yesterday for the first time while I was cooking and he did awesome in it.

Tonight he had his first try at food. We gave him squash, he only had a few bites but his doctor said to go ahead and just start and see how he does.

Oh and last night he blew rasberries at me for the first time. He is always making bubbles and kind of does this noise that sounds like he is going to do them but actually did it last night. It was so cute.

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