Another Er visit

by - January 16, 2011

This past week has been so hectic. My classes started back up and I go Tuesday, Thursday and Friday then babysit Monday from 8am to 6pm and Wednesday from 8am to 6pm then from 7:45 to about 10 or so then Thursday night babysit around the same time except this Thursday it was 7:15 to about 11:45. Well by Thursday night I was so sick. I thought I had gotten over the cold I had but it seemed to be back in action on Thursday. My friend Ali from class said she had a fever and felt horrible so of course I got whatever she had. I didn't sleep at all Thursday night so I called my doctor and made an appointment and missed my classes on Friday. I was given an antibiotic and told I could take Robutussin for my cough. I went home slept and woke up feeling worse. I had a bit of a fever at 101.1 and just couldn't eat or drink anything. Then by that night forget it, I was a mess. I woke up twice and threw up, which was basically nothing since I had barely eaten or drank anything. I kept getting really hot and achey all over. The next morning my Mom came over and called my doctor and he called back and said go to the ER since you are pregnant. You don't want to risk anything. So we went. They gave me fluids, Tamaflu and some Tylenol with codeine to help with my cough and so I could sleep. I finally felt better after all that and was able to go home. I have felt a lot better since but still have a terrible cough. I feel a bit tired still but at least I am not aching all over, that felt like the worst part in a way.
As for everything else, I am doing ok. I have the 12 week NT scan on Thursday! I am incredibly excited about that. I need to do an 11 week update but I probably won't do a belly pic since I am in bed but I basically look the same.

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  1. Just watch your cough, lovely. I had a cold when I was pregnant with Number 3 and couldn't shake the cough. After weeks of coughing so hard I thought I was going to shake bub loose, I went back to the doctor and was diagnosed with astma. If in doubt, go back and ask your Doc.

  2. Thanks Cin, I will watch it. Thanks for letting me know. I still have the cough so if it doesn't go away in a week I will definitely call my doctor. It seems to be slowing down but I hope it goes away!

  3. Gillion, I am doing better thanks! I do have a little cough though so I will definitely look into that if it doesn't go away soon. Its nothing major but I feel like it is slowly getting less and less consistent. I appreciate the tip!
