Moms of Newborns: Formula for Happiness #formulaforhappiness

by - July 28, 2015

Today’s post is sponsored by Gerber® Good Start® Gentle, who believe that comfort for baby means happiness for all. Here is my Formula for Happiness™.

Since Ace turned 4 I started looking back on photos of him as a little newborn. That time in our lives was actually really rough. 
Ace was a difficult newborn. He had colic, didn't sleep at all through the night and cried all.the.time. I felt like I was failing him. Here is what helped me through the toughest times as a Mom to a newborn.
1. Ask for help. Having a newborn who doesn't sleep can play games with your head. I actually went over to my parents house and told my Mom that my baby hated me, ha! She saw how tired I was and took Ace in her arms and let me lay down and get a little break. It felt good to sleep and know he was in good hands. There is no shame in having someone help you with a newborn and most people like cuddling that cute little bundle of joy.
Have questions on your?  Gerber® Good Start® Gentle is happy to introduce a Certified Sleep Consultant for your little one’s needs. Good sleep–for your baby and your family—is an essential component of your journey. That journey isn’t always perfect, but getting support every step of the way helps.
2. Take time for yourself. As time went on I realized I was allowed to take little breaks here and there for full time Mommy hood. It was good for my state of mind and it made me a better Mom. I wasn't as stressed and that little time away made me appreciate my time with my son. 
I think the formula for happiness with any Mom, especially new Moms is allowing yourself to get a break. It might not be easy to go out for a date or with the girls but even a bath at the end of the day when your baby finally falls asleep can do wonders for your state of mind. This was my go to with Everly because she was also a hot mess. Ashlyn thankfully was my easy newborn but even with an easy newborn I needed a break here and there. 
3. Get out of the house! Something else I found that really helped me get through the newborn stage, especially with Everly was going for a walk in the morning. Even if I was exhausted from her being up all night I would stick her and Ashlyn in their stroller and go for a walk around our neighborhood. It would actually give me energy and start my day off right. 

4. Make time for your partner. Newborns take up a lot of our time and energy often leaving our partner out in the cold. It can make you both feel disconnected and any time you can steal away will help you reconnect as a couple. I know date nights or even nights where we can just relax and watch our favorite show together are so important to us. We can just hang out like we did when we were dating and remember what this crazy life is all about. Being a family and enjoying our time together! 
Gerber® Good Start® Gentle believes that the Formula for Happiness™ can be a lot of things, and moms have different ways of enjoying the journey through motherhood. 

Now it's your turn to tell me what your formula for happiness is for new Moms. Use hashtag #formulaforhappiness so I can check out all your awesome tips on Instagram and Twitter

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  1. These are great suggestions, and good to know ahead of time! I had no idea Gerber offered so much help!

  2. These are great suggestions. I just started using some of the tools Gerber offers.

  3. Many parents need to read this and try them as well. I liked getting out of the house for a bit for a walk and getting the exercise and fresh air.

  4. These are great suggestions, especially #3. I sometimes forget how a walk and a little fresh air changes everyone's attitude.

  5. Number two is the option that most do not make time for. Really important info that can be overlooked

  6. These are all great suggestions! I'm a mom of four, i could never get enough alone time!
