Me, Me, Me...

by - July 22, 2014

Me, Bimbo on a Stick and Kist
Some of my closest girl friends and I have weird nicknames for each other. Shout out to Bimbo, Kist AkA Dirty Hippie, and Prison. 

I live in my cut off shorts.

I could wear tank tops and flip flops year round.

My husband and I met online while looking for roommates in college. Awkward.

I got engaged on Honeymoon Island.

My son is named after my Grandpa who didn't love his name and went by Don.

I was pissed when Channing Tatum named his baby Everly because I totally had the name first. 

Everyone on my Dad's side looks really similar. It's kind of creepy. 

I heart cardigans.

My favorite music to listen to is Country. 

I sometimes drive with the windows down, AC blasting and music up loud and pretend it's Fall. 

My engagement ring is an Aquamarine instead of a Diamond. I couldn't find an engagement ring unique enough and decided to go for a different stone instead. 

I dream of living in a small beach town.
All of my kids have two middle names, each name is after someone special. 

Just for my cousin Mike…
"Mike is the best cousin in the world I don't know what I would do without him." 

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